2-Pin Automobile Indicator Lamp Flasher Circuit with Buzzer

2-Pin Automobile Indicator Lamp Flasher Circuit with Buzzer
If you want to make a flasher unit for you motorbike then this circuit is just for you. This simple turn signal flasher circuit can be  easily built and installed in any two wheelers for the desired actions. The circuit employs just two 2-pins instead of 3 as found in other flasher circuits. Once installed, the circuit will faithfully flash the side indicator lights whenever the intended function is switched ON. The circuit also incorporates an optional buzzer circuit which can be also included for getting a beeping sound in response to the flashing of the lamps.

Parts List
R1, R2, R3 = 10K
R4= 33K
T1 = D1351,
T2 = BC547,
T3 = BC557,
C1, C2 = 33uF.25V
L1 = Buzzer Coil


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