Bathroom Fan Controller Circuit Diagram

Many bathrooms are fitted with a fan to vent  excess humidity while someone is showering. This fan can be connected to the light  switch, but then it runs even if you only want  to brush your teeth. A better solution is to  equip the fan with a humidity sensor. A disadvantage of this approach is that by the time  the humidity sensor switches on the fan, the  room is already too humid. Consequently, we...
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Call Bell with Welcome Indication Circuit Diagram

This is a simple call bell circuit that displays a welcome message when somebody presses the call bell switch momentarily. the alphanumeric display can be fitted near the call bell switch. the circuit is built around two 555 ICs (IC1 and IC2), seven KLA511 common-anode alphanumeric displays (DIS1 through DIS7) and a few discrete components. For easy understanding,  the entire circuit can be divided into  two sections:...
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Simple Wireless Baby Monitor Project

This wireless baby monitor circuit using FM is designed to operate at a frequency of  100MHzefy tested. Its range of transmission is more than 100 metres with a 75cm wire antenna. The circuit is fully transistorised and so even a beginner can easily assemble it on a veroboard or the PCB whose pattern is given below for convenience. Simple Wireless Baby Monitor Project Circuit diagram of the wireless baby monitor circuit...
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Simple Dog Whistle for Ronja Circuit Diagram

This is the Simple Dog Whistle for Ronja Circuit Diagram. Ronja is the author’s dog, a beagle-mongrel,  who seems increasingly often to need to be  called to heel either with a shout or with a  whistle. And so the idea came about for an  electronic dog whistle that could produce  two alternating high-frequency tones. A  design like this has several advantages over  conventional whistles or calling....
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Novel Liquid-Level Sensor Circuit Diagram

Normally, the level of a liquid in a container is determined by sensing changes in the capacitance or resistance between a pair of electrodes that are immersed in the liquid. Generally speaking, this technique requires fairly complicated circuitry to protect the electrodes against electrolysis (and associated corrosion). In addition, in many cases the liquid must be conductive for the measurement principle to actually be usable....
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